Travel : Châtelet - Maredsous(Abbaye) - Châtelet

Départ Châtelet(Place St Roch), Biemes(ch de Mettet), Scry,Graux, Denée, Maredsous, Maredret, Ermeton-S-Biert,Furnaux, Scry, Devant-les-Bois, Presles, Châtelet.

Maredsous and its abbay :

Maredsous is a small village with multiple activities such as lithurgic life, scientific, catholic and pastorale publications. Each year 300.000 visitors visit the Abbay. The abbay was built in a neo-gothic architecture by "benedictins" in 1972.

Drink & food : possible in the abbay or on the road

Estimated level : Beginner / confirmed

Roads : campaign for the major part